v8.0 [Mar 3, 2008]
This version of the Visual FoxPro Help documentation contains many improvements and suggestions. This improvements contain a Visual FoxPro Task Pane Manager, Visual FoxPro Toolbox, Code references search tool, Enhancements to Visual FoxPro designers and editors, Windows-style Open and Save dialog boxes, Keyboard shortcut changes and enhancements,IntelliSense for the Watch window, Wordwrapping for ToolTip text, Viewing properties in the Properties window using Zoom.Visual FoxPro 8.0 also provides more functionality in its language by adding and enhancing classes, commands, and functions. Visual FoxPro contains the following additions and improvements to its data features--Remote data connectivity using CursorAdapter class,Creating, subclassing, and specifying a DataEnvironment class, Automatically incrementing field values, Support for collating sequences,Implicit data conversion for SQL SELECT...UNION command, Inserting rows from a SQL SELECT command and also behavior changes since Visual FoxPro 7.0 and much more